For more than 30 years, Gemba’s associates have worked closely with Facility Owners, Engineering Firms and Law Enforcement Agencies to develop comprehensive solutions to keep people, property and buildings safe.
Gemba is founded on the core belief that by blending our excitement for technology with our broad business management and continual process improvement experience that we can truly help our clients improve their overall security, safety and communication environments. Gaining a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by our clients affords us the ability to develop effective and responsible solutions.
To start, Gemba strongly encourages a comprehensive security risk assessment be performed. The detailed assessment report identifies security vulnerabilities and communication needs. Gemba’s assessments often serve as the foundation upon which an overall security improvement plan is developed.
Gemba’s in-depth understanding for the challenges its clients face — along with the findings of our comprehensive security assessment — assures you that the security of your people, property and buildings are in trusted and capable hands.
Contact us at 845-418-2866 or send us an EMAIL

The most critical step in any emergency is to notify staff and students, then move them out of harm's way...
With the press of a single button, leveraging your existing infrastructure, EASy instantly and automatically alerts students, staff, administration and 1st responders of the need to take immediate action.
• Call the Police
• Broadcast a live or pre-recorded message
through the public-address system
• Activate strobe lights
• Lock/Lock Out doors
• Push alert messages via email, text and
• Alert other buildings and locations
Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Training (C.R.A.S.E.)
While we all certainly hope that we or our loved ones never experience a terrible attack or event, we must acknowledge that we have a better chance of surviving one if we are prepared. Gemba understands that a person’s response when in harm’s way will greatly affect their chances of survival.
We can’t truly predict how a person, even our own self, will respond in a real crisis. Did you know that a person’s heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, vision becomes tunneled, simple thoughtless actions become monumental tasks when faced with a true existential threat?
Did you know, while school shootings capture the news cycle and wrench our hearts they account for less than 25% of the active attacks in the US? And, did you know that more than 50% of the active attacks in the US occur at places of business?
For this reason, Gemba leverages the skills, knowledge, and the Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD) strategy learned while becoming certified in C.R.A.S.E. by the Texas State University ALERRT program (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training). We view every solution design through this prism.
To arrange formal onsite CRASE training at your site or in your area, please send us a simple email and mention your interest in CRASE training.
You can email us at: gotogemba@gembasecurity.com
• A.D.D.
• A.L.E.R.R.T.